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Living the Best Version of Yourself: Leadership Lessons from Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future

As we close the chapter on this year, I find myself caught between reflection and longing - a seismic shift within, one that feels deeper and broader than ever before. The world is in motion and there’s an unsettling weight to it - genocide, racism, sexism, all the “-isms” that divide us. 

It’s as though the most wonderful time of the year is under siege, asking us whether we can rise to meet it consciously with the energy of resilience, grace, and intentionality.

As we look out at a world grappling with wars, both literal and figurative, conflicts that feel distant but yet impact us all—it’s easy to perceive these battles as ones that are on the outside of us and on the periphery. The truth is, there are conflicts we need to address most urgently.  The wars that start from within ourselves, the way we live everyday, the fight for our peace, ease and authenticity.

‘Tis the season of reflection, isn’t it? A time when we look back at where we’ve been, take stock of where we are and consider where we’re headed?

As a woman who has experienced both the heights of achievement and the depths of overwhelm, I’ve learned that the only way to create the world we want to live in is to start with ourselves—our conscious choices, our actions that support those choices and the legacies we leave behind.

As I write this, I’m reminded of one of my favourite stories, A Christmas Carol. In this timeless tale, Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey with the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future forces him to confront his life and make transformational changes. 

Today, those "ghosts" appear yet again, urging us to reflect on the lessons we carry from the past, the power of living in the present and the importance of consciously shaping the future.

For women like you and me, navigating leadership, life and legacy, these ghosts aren’t just seasonal metaphors. They’re constant companions, reminding us of the importance of how we live now and how those choices ripple into our careers, our families and the example we set for our children. 

Let’s journey together, using the lessons these three "ghosts" provide so we can move beyond surface-level success and step fully into living as the best version of ourselves.

Lesson 1: The Ghost of Leadership Past - Learning, Not Reliving

Our past is both a teacher and a mirror. It reflects where we’ve been, what we’ve overcome and what still holds us back. 

For years, I lived in a cycle of overachievement, balancing a high-demanding career, motherhood and the relentless pursuit of perfection. From the outside I looked successful but inside, I was consumed by guilt - for not being “enough” for my family and “too much” for my career.

What The Ghost of Leadership Past reminds us of is the power of the patterns we carry forward:

  • The belief that our worth is tied to doing it all perfectly.

  • The sacrifices made for career or family, often at the expense of our well-being.

  • The unspoken generational cycles we inherit - overworking, people-pleasing or putting ourselves last.

These stories served me for a time, pushing me to achieve. However, they also left me drained, disconnected, and trapped in a life that looked good on the outside but felt empty on the inside. 

Just as history has shown us that unresolved conflicts resurface, so do the stories we tell ourselves. 

The wars we see on the periphery are often echoes of the internal battles we’ve failed to address - whether it’s the relentless drive to prove our worth or the unspoken rules we inherit about sacrifice and strength.

Here’s the truth, the past isn’t a life sentence - it’s a teacher. It shows us where we’ve allowed limiting beliefs to take root and invites us to rewrite those narratives. Breaking free from negative cycles, whether they stem from societal expectations or inherited mindsets, is a conscious choice. It’s the first step toward living with intention and empowerment.

I invite you to think about what stories from your past are still shaping your present. Which of those stories empower you, and which need to be rewritten?

Lesson 2: The Ghost of Leadership Present - Experience the Practice of “Being” Rather than “Doing”

If the past is a teacher, the present is where the real work happens. It’s where we decide, moment by moment, how we show up for ourselves, our families and the world around us.

In a time when the world feels fractured and divided, staying present and aligned with our values becomes not just a personal act of leadership but a quiet rebellion against the chaos. If we can find peace within, we create ripples that can counteract the larger wars we perceive as distant, the ones that touch us all. 

The Ghost of Leadership Present challenges us to ask ourselves, “Am I “being” the best version of me or am I just “doing”?”

Too often high-achieving women live in a state of "robotic doing", moving through the motions of endless to-do lists and responsibilities without pausing to connect with the deeper why. Living in the present means more than just ticking boxes. It means living and leading with intention, being emotionally present for yourself, your children, others and modeling resilience in the face of challenges.

For me, embracing the present was a turning point. It wasn’t just about what I was doing, but how I was doing it and therefore how I was “being”. 

Was I present when my children needed me? Was I making space to rest and recharge, or was I running on empty? The truth is, when we live consciously in the present, we give ourselves, our children and all those that surround us the gift of feeling like they are seen and heard. We show them what it means to approach life BEING confident, adaptable and purposeful. Make no mistake, this takes practice!

Actionable Tip

I invite you to Practice a “5-Minute Reset.” At the start or end of each day, pause and reflect, “Did I live today in alignment with what matters most to me? What’s one small shift I can make tomorrow to show up more fully?” (You can check out my FREE e-book - Wake up to YES! A 5 minute Morning Routine for Career Moms that offers a routine that can give you a head start).

Lesson 3: The Ghost of Leadership Yet to Come - Consciously Shaping Your Legacy

Lastly, the Ghost of Leadership Yet to Come who asks us to envision the legacy we’re creating and as a result, consciously ask ourselves, “What future am I building with the choices I’m making today?”

Realizing that I wasn’t just living for others but that I was also living for myself and that EVERYTHING starts with me caused a significant shift in the way I experienced my life. 

Every action, every choice, every reaction was showing my daughters, my son, my partner and those who surrounded me what it meant to be a woman, a leader, and a mother. Was I modeling burnout and sacrifice, or was I showing them what it looks like to live feeling empowered with presence and purpose?

Legacy isn’t about what we leave behind, it’s about how we inspire others to rise up and be the best version of themselves. When we practice living consciously, with authenticity and an intentional way of being, we teach our children to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. We become the compass for their journey, acknowledging that change is ever present and that there is a way to not just survive, but to thrive.

We must…YOU MUST consider what kind of legacy you are building with your choices today. What do you want your children to learn from the way you practice living your life?

This is a moment in history where you get to choose to live as the best version of you. The lessons from these “ghosts” are clear:

  • From the past, we get to choose to learn to release what no longer serves us.

  • In the present, we get to choose to find and experience alignment - to practice “being” rather than “doing”.

  • For the future, we GET to consciously choose positive change  to build a legacy rooted in our personal power and progressive values, fueled by moving forward to ensure that yesterday’s negative past doesn’t become today’s disastrous prologue. 

The conflicts we see in the world are mirrors of the battles that we fight from within ourselves - conflicts of identity, worth, and purpose. If we can learn from our past, align with our present, and shape a future rooted in conscious choice and authenticity, we not only transform our lives but contribute to a world in desperate need of healing.

As we step into the new year, I encourage you to reflect on your own journey and the lessons you have learned. What has the past taught you? How can you show up more fully in the present? And what future are you shaping with the conscious choices you make today?

From that reflection, take action to activate your personal power. You know that you don’t need a ghostly visitation to begin your transformation. The opportunity to live as the best version of yourself is available right now. 

Let’s step into this next chapter together, fully present and deeply committed to living, leading and leaving a legacy that moves us all forward.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to take the next step, I’d love to support you and coach you forward. Let’s explore how you can turn reflection into action and create the leadership, life, and legacy you truly desire. I got you! You know where to reach me! 



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